Add a wrap file for libnice that is only used if -Dbuild-dependencies=true is passed to meson

Review Request #1334 — Created March 13, 2022 and submitted — Latest diff uploaded




We can optionally use this setup for our full dependency tree, but I'm not 100%
sure that's the best idea yet, but it does seem better than having it in a
separate repository.

I made sure I had libnice-dev installed on debian and configured and built with with build-dependencies set to true and false.

I think removed libnice-dev and verified meson failed to configure with build-dependencies=false. I then reconfigured to set build-dependencies=true and verified that meson said it was going to build the subproject, and then I built the entire repository.

Diff Revision 1 (Latest)


First Last Summary ID Author
Add a wrap file for libnice that is only used if -Dbuild-dependencies=true is...
We can optionally use this setup for our full dependency tree, but I'm not 100% sure that's the best idea yet, but it does seem better than having it in a separate repository.
7c7316678c350ffb219068ab2fc980c8fd68c623 Gary Kramlich