- Description:
The signal handler for ack::message-tags was incorrect and wasn't actually
~ storing the value properly because it was and invalid write. This fixes all ~ storing the value properly because it was an invalid write. This fixes all of that. I also used G_CONNECT_default in the g_signal_connect_object calls.
Fix the message tag negotiation check
Review Request #3491 — Created Sept. 17, 2024 and submitted
The signal handler for ack::message-tags was incorrect and wasn't actually
storing the value properly because it was an invalid write. This fixes all
of that.
Connected via the cli and verified the property was set with g_warnings.
Called in the turtles for good measure.
Summary | ID |
92122836abee856594457ab7e70801093be34e5d |
Description | From | Last Updated |
Don't need to pass client as data here any more. |
- Change Summary:
use g_signal_connect as the client has to exist in our callback and removed the G_CONNECT_DEFAULT stuff which will be done in another rr.
- Description:
The signal handler for ack::message-tags was incorrect and wasn't actually
storing the value properly because it was an invalid write. This fixes all of that. - - I also used G_CONNECT_default in the g_signal_connect_object calls.
- Commits:
Summary ID f4f50ea247bbdee8c8c65d06622eb73bc5524801 92122836abee856594457ab7e70801093be34e5d - Diff:
Revision 2 (+14 -14)